If you're lucky you'll have the honor at least once in your life of being the maid of honour or best man in a wedding. This honour comes with a variety of responsibilities, not least of which is the duty of giving a tribute toast during the reception.
Do you ever notice, that for some people the words just flow and the humour is appropriate, and the speech is really amazing? and then ... there are those who are a little more on the awkward side with public speaking and you just sit and cringe in embarrassment for them.
The good news is that if you have the esteemed honour of standing up at delivering a speech anytime soon, you are not the first person to do this and this wonderful thing called GOOGLE that can help your research words of wisdom.
Here are some tips we thought we worth mentioning.
1. Don't wing it
If you think that you're just going to stand up and magic is going to pour out of you in the moment, you are sadly mistaken. As John Wooden used to say, failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Don't be that person. Put some thought and heart into what you are going to say. Let it be a reflection of the relationship you share with that person you are honour to stand up for.
2. Be respectful
Contrary to what you might see in the movies, being "that person" doesn't go over well at weddings in real life. Trust me! You want to be remembered for the right reasons. Take time to consider not just how you will look, but how your speech might reflect on the bride, groom and their family. I have seen one too many brides just sink into their chairs as the best man tries to be "funny". Be respectful - if all else fails, give your wedding planner a sign to plug the power on the mic - yes, it can be done!
3. Don't give a drunk speech
Yes, it's tempting to head straight for the open bar after the ceremony and picture sessions, but if you want to give a great speech you need to be on your A-game. That means being soberish ...
4. Know your audience
Consider your audience as you write your speech. Incorporating tasteful jokes into your speech is always fun, but careful not to turn it into a roast. Is this a gathering of frat buddies or a five star affair? Also be mindful of the bride and groom. Noone wants to hear about past relationships at their wedding. REALLY! This is truth and I have seen it so many times and it is just tacky and people do remember.
5. Thank all the right people and speak from your heartThis is speech giving 101. Thank the people who made it their mission to make this day happen flawlessly. Thank the bride and groom, the parents, the officiant, the wedding party, the venue and their staff and anyone else who deserves your gratitude. In this way the speech is sort of like winning an Academy Award. Just try not to ramble too much cause there is no music to cue you off the mic.
At the end of the day you need to keep in mind that you are merely a supporting player. It's nice to give a speech that has some sass and humour, but mostly your job is to wish the bride and groom all the best as they start their new life together.
Example of fun & sassy that
will surely get a laugh for all the right reasons:
(Groom), take (Bride)'s hand and
place your hand over hers.
I want you to remember this moment
and cherish it... because this will be the last time you'll ever have the upper
Happy toasting - until next time!